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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rehab Update

Well by now I think we have met with every type of doctor imagineable to try to give my body the best chance to heal. My regular spinal cord rehab doctor cannot believe how proactive and on top of things we are. I have no idea what type of people they must deal with on a regular basis - I can't imagine that anyone who has had a traumatic spinal cord injury wouldn't be exactly like us, doing everything you can to help your body recover. Right now physical therapy comes in to the house three days per week and occupational therapy comes in one day per week to work with me. The middle of the month I'll start outpatient physical therapy at the UW again.

As far as progress goes, my body is having significantly more spasms than it was even two weeks ago. Though of course the doctors say this isn't necessarily a sign that function will return. My physical therapist pointed out to me yesterday that I now have control of my ab muscles, something I didn't have when I first came home from the hospital. So I can flex and suck in my abs, and I can feel some of my back muscles (I know this because I now get uncomfortable when I sit in one position for too long, something I wouldn't have noticed before). It's exciting to see even this small bit of progress, to know that my body is trying to recover. I know that I will walk again, it's just a matter of time. All of this is happening for a reason, hopefully one day I'll know why.

Things at home are getting easier. I'm now able to get up in the middle of the night with Anthony to feed him, and I'm able to get in and out of the shower by myself - the small pleasures, right?! This week I was able to cook dinner, do laundry, and vacuum. I was also able to get into the SUV - something that seemed absolutely impossible the first week I was home from the hospital! I hope that I'll never take anything for granted again, and that I'll always appreciate the simple things in life.

I'm getting very antsy to get out in my gardens, so let's pray I'm walking before spring is over! Until then, I am enjoying this quality time that I get to spend with my husband and son. The first year of our marriage we are facing probably one of the hardest challenges we'll ever have to face. I fall more and more in love with my husband as I see his love and devotion for Anthony and I. Jared has had to do things for me that I never thought he would have to do, at least until I was 90 or so. He is such an amazing guy, and I thank God for him every day. But I don't know how much longer he'll be willing to take me on shopping trips to costco and target, so I'd better start walking soon....;)


Vicki Parramore said...

Your victories are so encouraging and put a smile on my face!

Chris Bauer said...

Beka, it's good to be able to catch up on your progress. Celebrate every small victory. Each one matters and is a part of the whole. I stand in agreement with you that you will walk again. Our family is looking forward to that report but today we'll rejoice with you over sore abs and back muscles. Pain or discomfort never felt so good, did it?
BTW, I've never met your husband but I believe you certainly got the right guy there. What a trooper he's been and being. And that son of yours, he's beautiful. What a treasure!
Keep blogging. It's such a precious piece of technology, in the simplest form, to allow others to be involved in your challenges, and even more importantly, your victories. God bless you and yours!